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Raynan Akbar is an untitled chess player. A fans of Chess since 2020. A mere novice that try to become a better player. My father was the one who convince me that chess is a fun game. At first i had no idea how did the game works, averaging more or less 500 ELO performance. And finally after roughly 5.000 games i kinda understand how the game works. I guess.

Raynan's most accurate games so far

Here I'm playing white. The game went unexpectedly fast, my opponent make some questionable decision that i immediately convert into winning chance. The game was rated at 1650 ELO performance with 95.8 % accuracy chesspawn.

For now, my performance usually clocked at around 1200-1600 ELO, of which i'm definitely would love to improve furthermore. In my games, I've taken some decision based on the past great like Mikhail Tal and Bobby Fischer. Some maybe just for the move and some for bigger image. If we are talking about present, i don't think there are any other player that did it like how Magnus Carlsen did.

Here I'm playing black. This is probably the most accurate game i have ever played. A simple rapid match that ended brutally because my opponent make some of the most ridiculous mistake. The game was rated at 1950 ELO performance, with 96,9 accuracy chesspawn. This game was so important to me because its served as a motivation from my terrible performance for the past 2 weeks.

Raynan's immortal games

Here I'm playing black. This is one of my best game in term of pure intuition and calculation. The game started of very passive, with a strong defense from my opponent. The attacking sequence happen after my opponent make an inaccuracy by placing her queen to B5. After she take my pawn B7, the whole sequence unfold itself. The game was rated at 1450 ELO performance with 80.7 % accuracychesspawn. The accuracy wasn't that high because of my inaccuracy in opening. 

Raynan's favourite games of all time

The game that need no introduction. The Game of the Century is one of the most famous chess games of all time. It is also considered to be one of GM Bobby Fischer's best games, despite the fact that he played it when he was just 13 years old.
Improvers 31 220 Anëtarë
Chess.com Community
Chess.com Community 62 909 Anëtarë
Fischer Team
Fischer Team 6 Anëtarë
PRO Chess League
PRO Chess League 21 083 Anëtarë
Chess University
Chess University 114 728 Anëtarë