Бриллиантовый пользователь

fact spinner

Age 9 1/2 

Chess rating USCF 869 or something

Rapid Rating 1756

104 friends

Admin in Chess Champ

Owner of Chess Champions United, Community Chess Champions Leauge and The International Champs, a community of the Explosive Victory Chess Federation, a community of @GavinTheKing668 and commanded by fellow staff, including web-famous moderator @Staerex, a widely honored mod.

Currently in view race with @Anthony2023a to 3000. Advertise my profile and help me cruise to a fantastic win!

All view race challenges are welcome to post on my notes, live chat, or message me.

Super Admin in--

Explosive Victory Chess Federation

Community Chess Champions Leauge

The International Champs

Pro Chess Community

Conquerers of Chess

Admin in-

The Strategy Savants Chess Club

Knight War

The Chess Monarchs

Kids-Only Club

Bad Players Club

Nearing 2,000 account views 

Participating in a tournament Grand Prix NJ on October 26th. USCF rated below 1300

coordinator in iCHESS

Note: I only accept club invites if I get super admin or admin. Only SA for 100- member clubs.

Club Status

300+ clubs

Admin or SA ranking

at least one famous person

thats it.













why are you still here .











 okay fine

here goes

I am 10


My name is Gavin

The Hillside Final Four
The Hillside Final Four 6 пользователей
iCHESS 6 158 пользователей vs. ChessKid vs. ChessKid 5 074 пользователя
Community Chess Champions Leauge
Community Chess Champions Leauge 6 пользователей
- Road to World Champion -
- Road to World Champion - 83 пользователя