THE STORY OF HOW HE GOT ME! NOT CLICKBAIT!! (WATCH TILL THE END) "DIDDY! YOU"RE MY IDOL! it's so nice to finally meet you! where are you taking me? is this your house? wow you have a really big bedroom! Is that baby oil? You have so much baby oil. Oh, you're laying me down. Okay. I don't really like that. Are you taking your shirt off? I don't really like that. That's weird Diddy. And your pants? No! Stop! Please Diddy, I don't like this. Why are you naked? Why are you covering yourself in baby oil? That's weird. Oh what's that black thing hanging from your lower stomach Diddy, it kinda looks like a Slim Jim? Your bed smells like baby oil, fish, and perfume. Please stop pushing me down. I don't really like this Diddy. Why are you putting baby oil in my private parts? I want to go back home. Diddy stop putting that Slim Jim in my private parts. That really hurts. Diddy you're hurting me. Please stop. Ow! Diddy, You're hurting me. I want to go back home. " (And the rest... Was history...)
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