Encontre um Clube de Xadrez

Hello,♟️😺♟️ Please join to our club! We are very active! We have our cat categories! If you are active, you can be Meowgrandmaster! Ou...
Strictly Bible
This is a discussion club strictly about the Bible. The Bible is important because is was given to us by God to tell us about himself and his pla...
Chess Champions United
We are the true reigning champions. In a short four months we have gathered an intelligent and truly understanding team of management, including @S...
מנצחים עד הסוף - Israel
ברוכים הבאים למועדון הישראלי מנצחים עד הסוף! המועדון משחק בליגת LCOIL הישראלית, בליגת ONE WORLD League, ובליגת CIL. דירוגים:  שחמט הצבעה...
We welcome anyone with a connection to the great City of Glasgow, and the wider area of Lanarkshire. This club has been long dormant, but is the ol...
Chess Weebs GC
Hello everyone from the Chess Weebs GC on instagram. If you are not in that chess GC msg me to get addedThank You and keep enjoying Chess ♟️❣️
This is the official chess club of ‘The Chess God’ for exclusive tournaments
Team Spain Live
Team Spain Live es el equipo oficial de España para competiciones en vivo en chess.com. Un equipo comprometido, competitivo, con ilusi&o...
Bangalore Chess Club Official
Bangalore Chess Club was created with the idea of bringing together all chess enthusiasts of Bangalore city and host meetups in and around the city...
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This club is a part of chess cats union! But the evil kind of chess cats' union... If you like cats and want to be apart of the chess cats soci...
Clube dos iniciantes
Desafios para iniciantes, entrem no clube para você melhorar sua tequinica !!!!! 
Hamdi Mehri Chess Club
Hi, it's Hamdi Mehri.I am 30 and have played chess since I was 16 years old.I collected a Twitch channel  in the lens to share my gameplay and...
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Kick-assertion chess
The vibe here is very cool and relaxed as if we are there on the beach, or playing with waves in the ocean surf. No one needs to talk, no one needs...
𝓒𝓱3𝓼𝓼.𝓬0𝓶 N0.2 𝓒0𝓶𝓶𝓾𝓷1𝓽𝔂 - 𝓒𝓝𝓒
Hello, You are warmly invited to Chess.com No.2 Community.As the name suggests,you are welcomed to the No.2 Community of chess. Here we have Da...
Fischer Random Chess Center
Welcome to the Fischer Random Chess Center to support Chess960 activity on the server and play more Chess960 tournaments.
The Shadow Ninjas - TSN
Welcome to ~ The Shadow Ninjas!! Here we can do many things: 1. Talk  2. Play 3. Be active  4. Respect one another  5....
B1ZHUB Printing Press
If you want to join, please pm an admin or super admin for why you want to join and wait for them to approve you. Most other requests otherwise wil...
Team Palestine
This is the one and only OFFICIAL GROUP for all Palestine chessplayers, as well as for all those lovers and supporters of Palestine from right arou...
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Pawns Union
Pawns around the world, united to learn, enjoy and play chess
Knockout Team Match League (KTML) has been created with one sole and unique goal: To determine which Non-National group has the BEST match-fighting...
Islam Chess Unity
أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله "I bear witness there is no deity other than Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." ...
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